Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Keira!!!!

Before and After - Keira Turns One Today!
Santa Clara, CA - It's hard to believe my little girl is already one year old. I'm still shaking my head trying to figure out where the time went. As usual, I keep telling myself, "Take more photos!", "Use the video camera!",  "Capture this while you can!".  But then things get busy and you forget.  Well, here are a few more photos from the times when I didn't forget.  This post is a bit of a grab-bag of snaps from past events where I never got around to doing an actual post.  In the meantime.... Milestones!

At one year old, Keira can now pull up easily on anything and crawl with great speed, but still not yet walking. When she's excited, however, she will stand straight up without pulling up on anything (even with a cheerio in each hand). She'll stand there balanced and look at you for a few counts before realizing what she is doing, then she'll quickly sit down with a startled look on her face.  Also, she can use a baby walker with one hand and get around just dandy.  So, as I've been saying for the last two months... it's not going to be long before she's running away from us on two feet.

Other new tricks include; holding her own bottle, crawling up stairs, and understanding some requests (Can you give the baby tiger a kiss?)  She's talking a bunch, but not using any words that we can understand.  We hear a momma or dadda every now and then, but we're still not sure if she is talking about us.  She still loves to be chased, digs peek-a-boo in all forms, and is at times more intent on trying to sort her blocks then chucking them.  However, entropy is still her specialty.

Wendy & Dustin's Wedding.  San Diego, CA.  May 21, 2011.  From left to right:  Karl, Keira, Shelley, Keira, Yih-Shiong, Keira, Keira & Wendy.

At the 19th Annual Aloha Outrigger & Polynesian Festival in Santa Cruz, CA - August 2011.

Keira at Home
Some of the most adorable photos ever (I might be biased)
Keira at Googleween

Point Lobos, Monterey, CA - November, 2011

I tried today to explain to Keira how important her Birthday was, but I'm not sure she's getting it just yet. Maybe next year. Anyway... Happy Birthday little one. We love you lots.

Also, a super big Happy Birthday to Suwei, who turned >1 yesterday!!

Birthday Girls

Bye for now
That's it for now.  I'm still promising videos.  I just need to find the time to sit down and work with them.  Soon, soon.

Here is a link to the slideshow.  There are 28 photos in there.

A Keira Fall Roundup

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