Friday, April 17, 2009

Knee Update - One Month Post Surgery

Lafayette, CO - It's been one month and one day since my ACL surgery and everything is coming along just fine. Although, I almost leapt out the second story window of my PT's office today when she bent my knee to a record 120 degrees. Anyway, I'm off the crutches, but still stuck in the brace for a bit longer. I'll get out if that as soon as there are no more signs of a limp. At this point, you can barely tell, but I've still got a bit of a gimp to me. I'm currently working on getting some muscles back, balancing, and stretching out some very, very tight tendons.

4 weeks post surgery

Other news... we're having a crazy spring snow storm today. Yesterday morning it was a beautiful 70 something degrees and by late afternoon it was raining lightly with spots of hail. Today it's dumping loads of wet, slushy stuff that melts as fast as it falls. This is closing weekend for most of the ski resorts (only A-Basin stays open late). I'm seriously chomping at the bit for one more shot at the slopes!!!

The view from our back porch today

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